2011 Stitching progress

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Long time, no post

This was a long weekend, and still it did not end :-). We have one more free day, but I will show you the progress I made on Jane so far. I am very contented with what I managed on this one, considering the amount of programmes we had (girls night in, girls night out, family vacation).

I will not remove this from my Qsnap until it is finished - and this was an UFO last week!

And one more pic:
I managed to finish Square 8 on VHORH (back in February, actually :-))

Friday, February 11, 2011

Giveaway at Deborah

Deborah is having a giveaway at her blog, it is absolutely stunning, and there is still a little time to enter :-)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Hi everyone!

I managed to put some stitching into my Village of Hawk Run Hollow, looky:

I want to finish this block (there is not much left) before I move on to a new start: still hesitating between the 2011 Maryse SAL, or a Hungarian Sampler SAL. Will see what will call to me more!


Friday, January 28, 2011

Stitching again

Yesterday I found some time to work on VOHRH, and made some progress on it. I really enjoy working on it right now, so I will stick to it for some time before picking up something else.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Back again

My stitching mojo is coming back gradually. I already stitched in January my last RR piece, and a little into some of my WIPs:
- HAED Storykeeper
- Nora Corbett Letter A
- CHS Village of Hawk Run Hollow

And I also started Paris from Lanarte.

I also did some knitting, and if my mojo lasts, I plan to sign up to some exchanges.

Still have to take some pics to show you, but at least, I started something!
(and as I saw in the visitor list, I have some visitors in spite of the non-existent activity - so some comments would be welcome to encourage me!)

Hugs to all readers,

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tagged - bilingual post again

Két jelölést is kaptam ősszel - télen, kicsit lemaradtam velük. Most válaszolok.

Az első, hogy hat tetszőleges dolgot írjak magamról. Anno sokat gondolkoztam rajta, hogy mit írjak, de azóta elfelejtettem, szóval itt van az a hat, ami elsőre eszembe jut:
- Az olvasás szerves része az életemnek. Nem megyek ki az ajtón úgy, hogy nincs nálam könyv, és a várakozás két percét is kihasználom.
- Rosszul tűröm a kötöttségeket és a kötelező dolgokat.
- Imádok új dolgokat kipróbálni (ez a hímzéseimen is látszik), és keresem a kihívásokat.
- Optimista típus vagyok, minden helyzetnek hamar meglátom a jó oldalát, és arra koncentrálok.
- Az életemnek több része van, és elég különbözőek is egymástól, és ez nekem így jó is.
- Legnagyobb álmom, hogy Kubába eljussak (és ha semmi nem jön közbe, áprilisban más álmot kell keresnem!)

I was tagged two times (and I am late with both).

The first is to tell 6 random things about myself.
- Reading is a natural part of my life. I never leave the house without a book. Even two minutes waiting will find me reading.
- I hate ties and obligatory things
- I love to try new things (the long wip list clearly shows that), and always seeking challanges.
- I am an optimistic girl, seeing the good side of any situation, and concentrating on it.
- My life consists of several very different parts, which is good for me.
- My biggest dream is to get to Cuba (and if everything goes well, I will have to find another dream in April!).

A másik feladat az volt, hogy soroljam fel a rám legnagyobb hatást tevő 5 könyvet 2008ból.
Íme a listám:
- D. H . Lawrence: Lady Chatterley szeretője
Bevallom őszintén, ebbe azért néztem bele, mert kíváncsi voltam, hogy mitől botránykönyv. Aztán nem tudtam letenni, nagyon szép könyv, nagyon nagy hatással volt rám, rengeteg mindenről szól.
- Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice
Az egyik kedvenc íróm, minden könyvét szeretem, és arra különösen büszke vagyok, hogy ezt angolul is elolvastam
- Marian Keyes: Utolsó esély szalon
Új kedvencem, tavaly minden nálunk kapható könyvét elolvastam, imádom a humorát, meg hogy pont kellőképpen romantikusak, de nem csöpögősek a könyvei. Ez erre különösképpen igaz.
- Robert Merle: A gyermekkirály
Tőle azért ez, mert ezt olvastam tutira tavaly, de a teljes Francia História sorozatot imádom, meg az összes többi könyvét is, tőle még nem olvastam rosszat.
- Fejős Éva: Bangkok tranzit
Nagyon tetszett, rengeteg gondolat volt benne. Hosszú idő után ez volt az első könyv, aminek befejezésekor még 1-2 napig nem tudtam újba belekezdeni, annyira ez járt a fejemben. (A legemlékezetesebb ilyen könyv számomra egyébként az Állati elmék volt Merle-től).

The other meme was about my 5 favourite books in 2008. Here is the list:
- D.H.Lawrence: Lady Chatterley's lover
I started this to see why it was so infamous, but could not put it down. It is a very deep and beautiful book.
- Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice
Austen is one of my favourites, and this book of hers is above all. And I am particularly proud of having read it in English original.
- Marian Keyes: Last chance saloon
One of my favourite authors, I just love her romantic style and humour. I have read all books available here in Hungary.
- Robert Merle: Roi enfant
I just love the whole series, and all his books overall.
- Fejos Eva: Bangkok tranzit
This is a Hungarian book, Hungarian author, but a very deep book. I just couldn't put it down.

I will try to get back to more regular posting especially as I have some progress to share.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Goal review, and some pics

Hi girls,

sorry for not posting lately, my FIL passed in October, and things have been a bit more difficult here since.

October goals review:
1. Stitch April Cat by Margaret Sherry for RR - No (the girl left the RR and asked hers back)
2. Stitch a flower fairy for Freestyle RR - Not even started
3. Stitch Adél's Astrocat RR - Yes (though final stitches were put in in November)
4. Stitch one or two of the Herbs and Spices RR - One stitched
5. Mail out PS and Crazy exchanges - PS mailed (CE was mailed out in November)
6. Stitch and send Fair and Square Autumn round - Yes
7. Stitch and send Angel Swap - Yes
8. Stitch on Lanarte Tuscany Sampler for Let's Stitch challanges and SATs - YES

Not too bad, I think.

And the November goals:
1. Stitch May Cat by Margaret Sherry for RR
2. Stitch a flower fairy for Freestyle RR
3. Stitch one or two of the Herbs and Spices RR
4. Mail out CE Christmas ornie exchange
5. Stitch on Christmas gift for the Hungarian Group exchange
6. Participate in at least one of Let's Stitch Challenges
7. Join the Friday night SAT once or twice

And, as I did not get to show you my finishes, here are some piccies:

The PS exchange I received from Mira, a cute little framed picture, and WDW floss (in gorgeous colors!!!)

Sagittarius Astrocat by Margaret Sherry for Adél