2011 Stitching progress

Monday, October 6, 2008

An RR and a challenge

Last week there was a challenge on the Let's Stitch blog, to dig out our oldest wip, and work on it. Though it is not certainly the oldest wip I have, it is one of them, and I still love it, so I jumped at the idea of pulling it out and putting some stitches in it. Not very much though, as I was also working on some exchanges and RRs. Anyway, I sticked to it for Friday's Stitch-A-Thon as well, and this is what I accomplished:

And last week I also managed to finish up another one of the Herbs and Spices RR: Lemon Verbena for Cinella. Here it is:

Now off to do some stitching, this week's challenge is to work on a sampler design, so I am putting some stitches into At home with Jane Austen by the Sampler Girl (besides those RRs and exchanges, of course).

The standing before the challenge:

1 comment:

helen said...

Juhéj, Jane Austen sampler! :)))

A tuscan-i kép is csodás lesz! Nagyon tetszik!