Hi girls,
sorry for not posting lately, my FIL passed in October, and things have been a bit more difficult here since.
October goals review:
1. Stitch April Cat by Margaret Sherry for RR - No (the girl left the RR and asked hers back)
2. Stitch a flower fairy for Freestyle RR - Not even started
3. Stitch Adél's Astrocat RR - Yes (though final stitches were put in in November)
4. Stitch one or two of the Herbs and Spices RR - One stitched
5. Mail out PS and Crazy exchanges - PS mailed (CE was mailed out in November)
6. Stitch and send Fair and Square Autumn round - Yes
7. Stitch and send Angel Swap - Yes
8. Stitch on Lanarte Tuscany Sampler for Let's Stitch challanges and SATs - YES
Not too bad, I think.
And the November goals:
1. Stitch May Cat by Margaret Sherry for RR
2. Stitch a flower fairy for Freestyle RR
3. Stitch one or two of the Herbs and Spices RR
4. Mail out CE Christmas ornie exchange
5. Stitch on Christmas gift for the Hungarian Group exchange
6. Participate in at least one of Let's Stitch Challenges
7. Join the Friday night SAT once or twice
And, as I did not get to show you my finishes, here are some piccies:
The PS exchange I received from Mira, a cute little framed picture, and WDW floss (in gorgeous colors!!!)
Sagittarius Astrocat by Margaret Sherry for Adél