2011 Stitching progress

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Goal review, and some pics

Hi girls,

sorry for not posting lately, my FIL passed in October, and things have been a bit more difficult here since.

October goals review:
1. Stitch April Cat by Margaret Sherry for RR - No (the girl left the RR and asked hers back)
2. Stitch a flower fairy for Freestyle RR - Not even started
3. Stitch Adél's Astrocat RR - Yes (though final stitches were put in in November)
4. Stitch one or two of the Herbs and Spices RR - One stitched
5. Mail out PS and Crazy exchanges - PS mailed (CE was mailed out in November)
6. Stitch and send Fair and Square Autumn round - Yes
7. Stitch and send Angel Swap - Yes
8. Stitch on Lanarte Tuscany Sampler for Let's Stitch challanges and SATs - YES

Not too bad, I think.

And the November goals:
1. Stitch May Cat by Margaret Sherry for RR
2. Stitch a flower fairy for Freestyle RR
3. Stitch one or two of the Herbs and Spices RR
4. Mail out CE Christmas ornie exchange
5. Stitch on Christmas gift for the Hungarian Group exchange
6. Participate in at least one of Let's Stitch Challenges
7. Join the Friday night SAT once or twice

And, as I did not get to show you my finishes, here are some piccies:

The PS exchange I received from Mira, a cute little framed picture, and WDW floss (in gorgeous colors!!!)

Sagittarius Astrocat by Margaret Sherry for Adél

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Jane Austen adn February Cat

I did not show you yet my progress on last week's challenge and SAT for the Let's Stitch group.

My weekly challenge project was At Home with Jane Austen from the Sampler Girl. I did not manage to work much on it, due to work and RR commitments, but I left the half way mark on that one, so I am satisfied.

And for the Friday nigh SAT, I chose to finish up the February Cat from the Calendar Cats RR. Here is a pic of him, and some details.

Monday, October 6, 2008

An RR and a challenge

Last week there was a challenge on the Let's Stitch blog, to dig out our oldest wip, and work on it. Though it is not certainly the oldest wip I have, it is one of them, and I still love it, so I jumped at the idea of pulling it out and putting some stitches in it. Not very much though, as I was also working on some exchanges and RRs. Anyway, I sticked to it for Friday's Stitch-A-Thon as well, and this is what I accomplished:

And last week I also managed to finish up another one of the Herbs and Spices RR: Lemon Verbena for Cinella. Here it is:

Now off to do some stitching, this week's challenge is to work on a sampler design, so I am putting some stitches into At home with Jane Austen by the Sampler Girl (besides those RRs and exchanges, of course).

The standing before the challenge:

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

September wrap-up and October goals

Ok, so it is October now.
Let's see how I did in September:

1. Finish at least two of MS Calendar Cats - DONE (June and February)
2. Stitch a Flower Fairy for the freestyle RR - Not yet
3. Finish Adel's Astrocat RR - Not yet
4. Stitch one of the Herbs and Spices from JJ - YES (Lemon Verbena)
5. Stitch and send HoE PS exchange - Stitched, but not yet sent
6. Stitch and send return exchange to Suzanne on Crazy Exchange group - Stitched, but not yet sent
7. Stitch a design for the charity organization - YES

Well, not a full success!

And the October goals:
1. Stitch April Cat by Margaret Sherry for RR
2. Stitch a flower fairy for Freestyle RR
3. Stitch Adél's Astrocat RR
4. Stitch one or two of the Herbs and Spices RR
5. Mail out PS and Crazy exchanges
6. Stitch and send Fair and Square Autumn round
7. Stitch and send Angel Swap
8. Stitch on Lanarte Tuscany Sampler for Let's Stitch challanges and SATs

That's it, we shall see if I can do better this month.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Some pictures again

I haven't posted for a while now. I have done some stitching, and finally I have some piccies to show you.

So (in no particular order):
I finished June Cat from Margaret Sherry's Calendar Cats for maczyka's RR.

I managed to finish two pictures from the Herbs and Spices RR, Comfrey for Szandrah, and Ginger for Melinda.

I was the lucky winner on Edige's blogaversery drawing, and I received this lovely purse:

I have sent and received the needleroll on the Hooked on Exchanging group, look what lovely needleroll I have received!

And the one I stitched for Leigh:

Mini Topiary sampler III Needleroll Designer: Jeannette Douglas Designs Fabric: 28 ct vintage cream linen Threads: various silks from my stash
I also managed to finished the Margaret Sherry cat for the charity, but no pictures yet, they have to be uploaded from my camera.

P.S.: I decided to write this blog only in English from now on. The events of my life will be written in Hungarian on multiply (but there in Hungarian only). I hope my Hungarian friends who follow this blog can cope with this. If not, let me know :-) and I will find a solution.

És még egyszer utoljára magyarul: fárasztó magyarul és angolul is írni a blogot. Ezért úgy döntöttem, ezt a blogot ezentúl angolul vezetem (végül is itt nagyjából kizárólag a kész hímzéseimet mutogatom), ha valami olyan történik velem, amit nagyon meg szeretnék osztani veletek, magyarul, azt a multin fogom megtenni. Ott ityamom néven vagyok megtalálható, ha esetleg valakinek hiányoznék magyarul ;-). Remélem, az engem olvasó magyar barátaimnak megfelel ez így. Ha nem, szóljatok, kitalálok valamit :-)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Monday, September 1, 2008

Célok - Goal setting

Úgy határoztam, újra megpróbálom a havi célfelállítást, hátha segít összeszedettnek lenni :-)
I decided I will get back to monthly goals, to help me get organized :-)

1. Befejezni 2 MS Calendar Catet / Finish at least to of MS Calendar Cats
2. Hímezni egy tündérkét Cicának a Freestyle RRben / Stitch a Flower Fairy for the freestyle RR
3. Befejezni Adél Astrocat RRjét / Finish Adel's Astrocat RR
4. Megcsinálni egyet a JJ Herbs and Spicesból / Stitch one of the Herbs and Spices from JJ
5. Kiküldeni a Prairie Schooler ajcsit / Stitch and send HoE PS exchange
6. Csereajándékot készíteni Suzanne-nek / Stitch and send return exchange to Suzanne on Crazy Exchange group
7. MS Potpurri a Szeretetvarázsba / Stitch a design for the charity organization

Asszem ennyi bőven elég.
That's all, if I want to stay realistic.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Movie meme

Több helyen is láttam ezt a játékot, és tetszik :)
I've seen this "game" several blogs and I really like it!

A lényeg / the rules:
1. Gyűjts össze 15, számodra kedves filmet. / Pick 15 of your favourite movies or tv series.
2. Keress mindegyikhez egy idézetet az IMDB oldalon. / Go to IMDB and find a quote from each movie.
3. Tedd közzé az idézeteket, hogy mások találgassanak. / Post them here for everyone to guess.
4. Ne használd a Google-t, csak az IMDB-t! / No googling! Just use IMDB!
5. Ha valaki helyesen tippel, írd a film címét és a tippelő nevét az idézet mellé. / Strike it out when someone guesses coorrectly and put who guessed it and the title of the movie.

Szerintem lesz benne könnyű is!
Maybe there are some easy quote!

  1. For a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. Pride and Prejudice / Büszkeség és Balítélet - Éva
  2. We are the best kept secret in the galaxy. We monitor, licence and police all alien activity on the Earth. We're your first, last, and only line of defense. We live in secret, we exsist in shadow. Men in Black - Éva
  3. Okay, okay, no disrespect. What should I call her? "Monogamously challenged"?
  4. I don't know what it is but there's something that goes on between women. You men know that because it's the same for you. I'm not saying one sex is better then the other. I'm just saying, like speaks to like. Love or whatever doesn't always keep. So you found out what does, if you're lucky.
  5. Sure hope the old man got that tractor beam out of commission, or this is gonna be a real short trip. Okay, hit it!
  6. Standard operating procedure. Boys with toys.
  7. This is an elegant crime, done by an elegant person. It's not about the money.
  8. I am not... I am not angry with you. Do you understand? Good. Of course we wish you to be a good king. But first you must pass as Louis, and Louis is cold and cruel. The eyes of this King say that he cares for nothing at all but himself. You eyes ask too much. You shouldn't care about... about me... you shouldn't care... Vasálarcos / The man in the Iron Mask - Éva
  9. There are many things my father taught me here in this room. He taught me: keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.
  10. Thank you, Daniel, that is very good to know. But if staying here means working within 10 yards of you, frankly, I'd rather have a job wiping Saddam Hussein's arse. Bridget Jones' Diary - Éva
  11. My name's Samantha and I'm a loveaholic. Sex and the City - Éva
  12. Ah, a rash, call a dermatologist. If it's wet, keep it dry. If it's dry, keep it wet. If it's not supposed to be there, cut it off. I never could remember all that.
  13. Let us have pirates, clowns, and a happy ending, or we shall send you back to Stratford to your wife!
  14. But wouldn't it be great if number one this Christmas wasn't some smug teenager but an old ex-heroin addict searching for a comeback at any price? All those young popsters come Christmas Day, they'll be stretched out naked with a cute bird balancing on their balls and I'll be stuck in some dingy flat with me manager, Joe, ugliest man in the world, fucking miserable because our fucking gamble didn't pay off. So if you believe in Father Christmas, children, like your Uncle Billy does, buy my festering turd of a record. And particularly enjoy the incredible crassness of the moment when we try to squeeze an extra syllable into the fourth line. Love Actually - Éva
  15. O Captain, my Captain. Who knows where that comes from? Anybody? Not a clue? It's from a poem by Walt Whitman about Mr. Abraham Lincoln. Now in this class you can either call me Mr. Keating, or if you're slightly more daring, O Captain my Captain. Dead Poets' Society - Éva

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Díjat kaptam - Award

El is felejtettem a nagy nyaralásban említeni, hogy engem sem került el az egyik díj (ahhoz képest, hogy évi kb 5 bejegyzésem van). Igazából azért örülök mégis neki, mert két olyan embertől kaptam, akit személyesen is ismerek, és ezért kicsit többet is tudhat rólam, mint ami ebből a blogból kiderül. Tehát szazutól és kergiztől kaptam a következő díjat:

A szabályok szerint a következő a teendőm - 5 emberkének küldhetem el én is a jelölésem:1. kiteszem a logót a blogomra
2. kiírom annak a személynek a nevét és blogját, akitől kaptam.
3. jelölök 5 blogolót, linkelem
4. üzenetet hagyok a jelöléseikről a blogjukban

Viszont én a 3-4 pontot már kihagyom. Csak köszönöm a díjat.

I forgot to mention due to the holidays, that I also received one of the awards circulating in blogland (despite the fact that I post about 5 times per year *ashamed*). However, it was granted by two girls that I know even in person, and they can know a bit more about me than what is written here in this blog... So I want to thank them very much.
But I will be a bad girl - no nominations are going from here. I love too many blogs, and almost all of them are already rewarded.


Még mindig fényképek / Still piccies:
Augusztusban részt vettem az első Fair and Square cserémben, és nagyon-nagyon tetszett:
In August I participated in my first Fair and Square exchange. I loved it!

Már egy ideje a crazy-exchange grouphoz is csatlakoztam. Eddig a Valentin-napi csere-berében vettem részt, és most megkaptam az első igazi crazy csomagot is:
I have belonged to the crazy exchange group for a while. I received an enormous exchange from Suzanne!

Ezer éve - for ages

Ezer éve nem írtam ide semmit. Pedig sok minden történt. És végre összeszedtem magam, és hímeztem is végre. Gyorsan mutatom a képeket, aztán a következő postban mesélek is ezt-azt.

It has been ages since I wrote here. A lot was going on. And finally I had sufficient stitching time, so I have some pics to share. Tales in the next post!Capricorn Astrocat - Cica313 RRje
Designer: Margaret Sherry
14 ct lilac Aida, DMC

Birthday flowers - Ditti RRje
Designer: Jeremiah Junction
18 ct roustic aida, DMC

July bear - Newsees RRje
28 ct Linda, DMC

Calendar Cats - March, Magu RRje
Designer: Margaret Sherry
28 ct Linda, DMC

Herbs and Spices - Comfrey - Szandrah RRje
Designer: Jeremiah Junction
Floba, DMC

Herbs and Spices - Ginger - Melinda RRje
Designer: Jeremiah Junction
14 ct aida, DMC

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Jótékonyság - Charity time

Gondolom, nagyrészt tudjátok, hogy egy jótékonysági akció van folyamatban. Mivel én is felügyelek egy jótékonysági megmozdulást, gondoltam, támogatjuk ezt is. Részletek a jótékonysági blogban, illetve az ő blogjukban.
Már átadtam Zsuzsának egy jó adag füzetborítót, ami már túl volt a varráson, illetve van még néhány minta, ami készre kell varrni - ehhez Zsuzsa hozott anyagokat. (meg meglepinek hozott nekem ajándékokat, erről lesz kép egy külön postban, de teljesen elérzékenyültem...)
Szóval aki még nem hallott róla, és esetleg késztetést érez, vagy van is olyan elkészült munkája otthon, aminek nincs helye, azt várjuk!

Még mindig eléggé el vagyok havazva, gyerekezéssel meg melóval, így a nyaralások után, de legalább végre egy kis időm van hímezni - nagyrész RRt, meg a hurcibálós hímzésem ajándék. Jövő héten jönnek a képek - anyuék leviszik a fiúkat Balcsira!

Hi girls!
Some of you might know that a great charity action is in process. A very nice Hungarian lady is collecting craft items to lighten up quite a few poor children's days in Roumania (Transsilvania exactly, where many people of Hungarian origin live). These children are living in raising homes, as they do not have family, or their families are in such miserable conditions that they cannot go home not even for holidays... Every kind of support is welcome, but in this charity action mostly crafted items are prepared - go see at their blog. And if you would like to send some little thing, that you do not know what to do with, you are more than welcome!

Life is quite busy here, as we just came back from our seaside vacation, but lastly I have some stitching time! Mostly RRs and some smalls for exchanges and PIFs. Pics will be coming next week, when kids will be on vacation with my parents.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Képek - pictures

Elég sok minden történt, nem volt időm írni, és most is csak mutogatok:

There was a lot going on in my life lately, I had no time for blogging, and even now I can only show pictures:Sweet biscornu by Periphaeria Design (from the Gift of Stitching Magazine)
Silkweaver 32 ct Lugana Forest Haven
DMC variegated floss
for Trinabelle on HoE

Cozy Christmas wishes
freebie from Lizzie*Kate
32 ct raw linen, GAST and DMC floss
will be finished as a Xmas ornie

JJ Herbs and Spices RR Chamomile
14 ct aida, DMC

JJ Herbs and Spices RR Peppermint
28 ct Zweigart Linda, Anchor floss

Margaret Sherry Calendar Cats RR
January cat
28 ct white Linda, DMC floss

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Csomagom jött! / You've got mail

Ma csomagot kaptam Amerikából. A csere-berés ollóőröm érkezett, Chicagóból! Láttatok már ilyen tökéleteset?
Well, I have just received the most beautiful fob from Margie!!!!
Look at this:

Nem gyönyörű? Teli spéci öltésekkel, meg gyöngyökkel... Nem is álmodtam ennyire kis szépről!
Isn't it just perfect? Full of specialty stitches, and beads... I have never dreamed of such a cutie!

Ezenkívül a csomagban volt még egy darus olló, Silkweaver zöld 32es anyag, egy motring Vikki Clayton selyem fonal, meg három multi DMC (egyik sem volt még nekem)! Tisztára el vagyok kényeztetve!
And, along with the fob, I have received a scissor (also perfect!), hand-dyed fabric from Silkweaver in a beutiful teal (impossible to get hold of here in Hungary), a skein of Vikki Clayton silk (also: no silk thread here in Hungary) and three skeins of multicolor DMC (I did not have any of them) - THANK YOU SO MUCH! I feel spoiled!

Ez jó kis csere-bere volt, egy-két estés kis mintával... Majd az enyémet is mutatom, ha célhoz ért.
I enjoyed this exchange very much. I will show you what I have sent, after it reached its destination...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Túléltem a hetet - getting through a hard week

El sem hiszem hogy vége van. Lezárva, megcsinálva - 18 cég teljes éve átnézve, lezárva, és a nemzetközi szabályok szerint konszolidálva. Mindezt rohamléptekben, mert bár a végső határidő február 28, as külső könyvvizsgáló csak 21-31 között ért rá, és már így is fenyegetőzik, hogy késni fog a jelentése, mert csak 24-re lett meg a teljes, kiegészítő mellékletes anyag (ami azért vicces, mert tapasztalatom szerint ezt az anyagot kb 3 munkanap alatt le lehet könyvvizsgálni - mondjuk eddig is tudtuk, hogy szakmailag nincsenek a topon, csak mivel egy nemzetközi lánchoz tartoznak, bármelyik európai tőzsdén ismerik a nevüket, és most ez a lényeg) - egész héten legalább este 8ig dolgoztunk, csütörtökön a finisben 11ig, ki is dőltem, tegnap óta lázas vagyok. de: KÉSZ!!! Jövő héttől visszajön a 4x4 órás munkarendem, és végre megint lesz időm tornázni, meg hímezni.
De azért egy készet tudok mutatni: kész lett gyerkőcök freestyle RRje. Kicsit küzdöttem vele, mert a minta nem volt a legjobb, de azért elég jó lett.
És végre készrevarrtam az ollóőrt is, hétfőn indulhat Amerikába. (arról majd csak érkezés után lesz kép). I managed to survive the week - the year-end closing came early this year. But it is done, and all (18) companies are fully audited, and consolidated - but to get it done, we hade to work 10-14 hours a day for the whole week. I got really, really tired - I also have fever, and I cannot decide whether it is the flu or just the stress. But from next week, I can get back to my 4 X 4 hours work a week routine, which will allow me to get back to the gym and my stitching! Which makes me quite happy, as my stitching mojo came back at last.
I did find the time however to finish on one of the RRs that are waiting for me, and also to finish up the fob for the HOE exchange - it will be in the mail on Monday!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Some progress to share

I managed to get some stitching time this past week, and besides my RR stitching, I have finished stitching on my Scissor Fob for the exchange, and work a couple of hours on the UFO challenge piece, Nemo and father
A héten sikerült valamennyit hímeznem, és az RRek mellett (melyek a hímzésidőm kb 90%át teszik ki) megcsináltam a Scissor Fob Exchange-be hímzett kis mintámat, valamint dolgoztam kicsit a Némós képen (kb 2 órát). Ez azért került elő, mert a Crazy Exchange boardon Karen meghirdetett egy UFO challenge-t: vegyünk elő egy elfekvőben lévő hímzést, és minden hónap 15én dolgozzunk rajta valamennyit - az egyetlen cél, hogy még idén kész legyen. A haladást elnézve, van rá esély :-)

Nemo - before and after / Nemo előtte és utána

All about me in pictures

I decided to merge my Hungarian and English blog, as my limited blogging time does not really allow me to write both. So, from now on, posts will be written in both languages.

And first, a personal post.

I spotted this on Katrina's blog and thought it would be fun to do. Answer the questions and type the answer into Google Image Search. Post a photo from the first page of results - this could be interesting :)

Katrina blogján találtam ezt a játékot, és viccesnek tűnik. A kérdésekre adott válaszokat írd be a Google képkeresőjébe. Szúrj be egy képet az első oldalról - lehet, hogy nehéz lesz :-)

Age you will be next birthday /következő szülinapodon ennyi éves leszel

A place you would like to visit / Egy hely, aho
va szívesen elutaznál

One of your favourite places / Egyik kedvenc helyed

Your favourite object / Kedvenc tárgyad

Favourite Food / Kedvenc étel

Favourite Animal / Kedvenc állat

Favourite Colour /Kedvenc szín

Name of a Past Pet / Egy régi állatod neve

Where do you live? / Hol laksz?

1st grade teacher's name / Elsős tanárod neve

Your Middle Name / középső neved

Bad Habit / rossz szokás

Favourite Flower / kedvenc virág

Favourite Holiday / Kedvenc nyaralás

Your turn now :)
Most te jössz :-)